Please Explain

Everything you ever wanted to know
but didn't know who to ask.

Please Explain

Everything you ever wanted to know
but didn't know who to ask.

11 Aug 2020
What is Modern Monetary Theory – and could it save the economy?
In this time of crisis, Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) challenges many of the traditional principles of economics. Hamid Yahyaei, from the Macquarie Business School Department of Applied Finance, explains.
22 Jul 2020
Please explain: why are we sending missions to Mars?
Associate Professor Craig O’Neill, from Macquarie University's Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, explains.
22 Jul 2020
What is the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon?
It feels uncanny, but is in fact all about how our attention works, says Anina Rich, Professor in the Department of Cognitive Science.
10 Jul 2020
Please explain: What is cabin fever?
What are the impacts of being stuck in a confined space for weeks on end? Macquarie Senior Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist Dr Carly Johnco explains.
07 Jul 2020
Please explain: why is Canberra splurging on cyber security?
The federal government has just announced an extra $1.35 billion in cyber security funding, in the wake of online attacks in Australia. Dr Stephen McCombie, Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security at the Department of Security Studies and Criminology, explains what's behind the spending boost.
23 Jun 2020
Please explain: Who, or what, are antifa?
As protests erupted across America in the wake of George Floyd’s death, US President Donald Trump sought to lay blame on the shadowy antifa movement. But what exactly is antifa? Macquarie University Higher Degree Research student Sarah Holmes explains.
22 Jun 2020
Please explain: what's so special about the winter solstice?
Forget the calendar - it's all about the solstices when it comes to officially marking the change of seasons. Macquarie University astrophysicist Angel Rafael Lopez Sanchez explains.
03 Jun 2020
Why can you see the sun and the moon at the same time?
Professor Orsola De Marco, from Macquarie University's Department of Physics and Astronomy, explains.
03 Jun 2020
Please explain: What's behind the brawl over our borders?
As Australia's premiers skirmish over the reopening of state borders, Dr Andrew Burridge, a Lecturer in Macquarie University's Department of Geography and Planning, explains why we have these borders in the first place – and why they make us fight.
24 May 2020
Please explain: what is high-frequency trading?
Professor Maroš Servátka, Director of Macquarie Business School Experimental Economics Laboratory, explains the role of high-frequency trading in the current financial market upheaval.
15 May 2020
Please explain: what is the point of mosquitoes?
Cases of Ross River fever have risen sharply in NSW and Queensland, due to an autumn explosion in mosquito numbers.  Entomologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Biology at Macquarie University, Dr Matthew Bulbert, explains why these detested insects exist at all.
12 May 2020
What are market bubbles and can they be popped?
A newly-published paper says it could be possible to eliminate bubbles and crashes in financial and housing markets. Professor Maroš Servátka, Director of Macquarie Business School Experimental Economics Laboratory, explains how innovative trading rules could solve the problem.